Identification Gender of Ancient Human DNAs from Koranza Skeletal Remains in Turkey Using Molecular Techniques  

Evrim TEKELI1 , Hasibe Cingilli VURAL1 , Ahmet Adil TIRPAN2
1. Selcuk University, Science Faculty, Department of Molecular Biology
2. Selcuk University, Arts and Science Faculty, Department of Archeology
Author    Correspondence author
Genomics and Applied Biology, 2015, Vol. 6, No. 1   doi: 10.5376/gab.2015.06.0001
Received: 04 Nov., 2014    Accepted: 26 Nov., 2014    Published: 01 Jan., 2015
© 2015 BioPublisher Publishing Platform
This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Preferred citation for this article:

TEKELİ et al., 2015, Identification Gender of Ancient Human DNAs from Koranza Skeletal Remains in Turkey Using Molecular Techniques, Genomics and Applied Biology, Vol.6, No.1, 1-10 (doi: 10.5376/gab.2015.06.0001)


The ancient ruins of Koranza and Necropal area are situated in the region of modern city Mugla in Turkey. More than hundred ancient tombs have been excavated and a lot of grave gifts and skeletal remains were found in this graves. According to this finds, the date of this graves goes back to the 7th century B.C. Sex identification of ancient human is essential for the exploration of gender differences in past population. Gender has been traditionally determined through the identification of grave goods and by bone morphometric analysis. In order to identify gender of ancient human, molecular techniques especially typing for a length variation in the X-Y homologous amelogenin gene (AMEL X and AMEL Y) for that reason, DNA sequences specific to the X and Y chromosomes may provide an ideal solution. In this study, we describe here ultra-sensitive sex analysis of forensic and fossil samples by amplifying X and Y homolog of the amelogenin gene (AMEL X and AMEL Y) for sex determination on molecular levels. As a result, sex gender of ancient human bones was determined related with DNA fragments with different length of base pair as male and female.

Ancient; Fossil bone; DNA isolation; PCR; aDNA; Forensic samples; Gender identification
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. Evrim TEKELI
. Hasibe VURAL
. Ahmet TIRPAN
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. Ancient
. Fossil bone
. DNA isolation
. aDNA
. Forensic samples
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