Research Article

Physiological Changes of Duck Weed Fern (Azolla pinnata R. Br.) Under Nitrogen and Phosphorus Depletion  

De A.K. , Bera S. , Adak M.A.
Department of Botany, University of Kalyani, Kalyani, 74 1235, India
Author    Correspondence author
Genomics and Applied Biology, 2015, Vol. 6, No. 9   doi: 10.5376/gab.2015.06.0009
Received: 12 Nov., 2015    Accepted: 31 Dec., 2015    Published: 20 Jan., 2016
© 2015 BioPublisher Publishing Platform
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Preferred citation for this article:

Adak M.A., Bera S., and De A.K., 2015,Physiological changes of duck weed fern (Azolla pinnata R. Br.) under nitrogen and phosphorus depletion, India, Genomics and Applied Biology, 6(9): 1-16 (doi: 10.5376/gab.2015.06.0009)


In a study Azolla piñata R. Br. was found to modulate carbohydrate and nitrogen balance in a proportionate way that reflected in their sustenance under limitation of nutrients. Plants under treatment of N, P, and N+P deficit recorded a significant up regulation of nitrogen metabolism and enzymes like nitrate reductase (NR), chloroplastic and cytosolic glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH), glutaminse 2-oxoglutarate aminso transferase (GOGAT), glutaminse synthase (GS). Irrespective of treatments initially NR activities were more stable than GDH in choloroplast was curtailed by several percent as compared to control. On the contrary, cytosolic GDH was more stable in activities. Moreover, activity of GOGAT was more compromised under N+P-free medium than individual sets with N and P free. Interestingly, as activity shows more discriminsation in different treatments and corroborating the total protein content. On account of carbohydrate profiles plants were induced to accumulate more carbohydrate and reducing sugars regardless of nutrient deficits. However, the limitation of nutrients had scored a significant restriction of growth by declining the dry matter accumulation. The interaction of nitrogen and carbohydrate metabolism with regards to plant's survival facing the nutrient stress was discussed in Azolla sp.

Nitrogen metabolism; Carbohydrate profiles; Nutrient deficiency; Aquatic fern
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. De A.K.
. Bera S.
. Adak M.A.
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. Nitrogen metabolism
. Carbohydrate profiles
. Nutrient deficiency
. Aquatic fern
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