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  Home    Editorial Board

Computational Molecular Biology has no external editorial board. Instead, global recognized scientists in this field are invited to be as members of International Editorial Advisory Board (IEAB) . All editorial decisions are made by an editorial team of full-time professional editors at BioSci Publisher in British Columbia of Canada.


Senior Academic Editor: Francis Burke (

Managing Editor: Elaine Fang (

Publishing Editor: Kris L.F. Jin ( 

Illustrator: Sophia Publishing Group


CMB welcomes any scientists around the world who are committed to contribute his expertise in computational molecular biology and any people who want to become an editor to join our team. Please click here to learn how to be an editor of CMB.


Members of International Editorial Advisory Board (Chapter of IEAB)


Dr. Jack X. Min

Associate Professor

Organization Name & Address: Center for Applied Chemical Biology, Department of Biological Sciences, Youngstown State University, Youngstown, OH 44555, USA

Research interests: Bioinformatics database and tools, comparative genomics, proteomics and secretomics




Dr. Zhang Yan


Organization Name & Address: College of bioinformatics science and technology, Harbin Medical University, 194 Xuefu Road, Harbin 150081, China

Research interests: Bioinformatics, genome, epigenome, system biology

