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Response of Soil Bacterial Community Structure to Land-use Conversion of Natural Forests in Maoershan National Forest Park, China
Physiological Changes of Duck Weed Fern (Azolla pinnata R. Br.) Under Nitrogen and Phosphorus Depletion
Clinical, Cytogenetic, and Molecular Characterization of Disorders of Sexual Development (DSD) in Sudan
Investigation of PVL and MecA Gene Locies in Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Strains Isolated from Nosocomial Samples of Hospital Patients and Hospital Staff
Compatibility of chemical pesticides and aggravation of Trichoderma spp against Pathogens
Rhizobia Strain and Legume Genome Interaction Effects on Nitrogen Fixation and Yield of Grain Legume: A Review
Comparative study of Codon usage pattern and compositional distribution between whole genome and virulence gene set of Vibrio cholerae N16961
Meta analysis of gene expression data of multiple cancer types to predict biomarkers and drug targets
The Neurospora crassa cmd, trm-9, and nca-2 Genes Play a Role in Growth, Development, and Survival in Stress conditions
Linking codon usage bias to functional genomics in pigs
Comparative Analysis of Phenolic Content and Anti-oxidant Activity of Dietary Vegetables
Changes of Molecular, Cellular and Biological Activities According to microRNA-mRNA Interactions in Ovarian Cancer
Subcellular Localization of CAX Proteins in Plants
Identification of Sodium-Ion–Dependent Neurotransmitter Transporters among Protozoa Parasite Genomes: Structure, Function and Prospects for Drug Discovery
Comparative Study of Cellular Tumor Antigen p53 Protein of Fishes and Analysis of its Protein Interaction Network using Computational Approach
Changes in Proline and Polyphenol oxidase enzyme activity in some Banana Cultivars and Hybrids under water stress
Influence of NaCl and NaHCO3 upon Salix Sungkianica Seed Germination and Seedling Growth
Integrated Weed Management in Turmeric: A Review
De Novo RNA Seq Assembly and Annotation of Vicia sativa L. (SRR403901)
The research progression of correlation between long non-coding RNA and breast cancer
Medicinal and aromatic plants for soil and water conservation: An economic analysis, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India
Eleven StOSMs Genes in the Potato Genome Response to Water Deficiency
Gujarat State Leguminosae Family Database (GLDB): Bioinformatics Database of Leguminosae Family present in Gujarat state of INDIA
Identification Gender of Ancient Human DNAs from Koranza Skeletal Remains in Turkey Using Molecular Techniques
Comparative structural analysis of cytokinin dehydrogenase enzymes of O.sativa, A. thaliana and Zea mays leading to predict the best enzyme
An in-silico analysis showing the interaction of FAD ligand with cytokinin dehydrogenase enzyme and with its domain part in rice
In-silico analysis predicting the best model for photosystemIID2 Protein of Spinaciaolearacea using multiple templates
Designing and Validation of Primers for High grain number for use in Molecular Breeding in rice
Seasonal phenology of Bactrocera invadens (Drew, Tsuruta and White) and Ceratitis cosyra (Walker) (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Northern Ghana
Anti-nutritional factors in cowpea cultivars and their effects on susceptibility to Callosobruchus maculatus (Fab.) [Coleoptera: Bruchidae] infestation
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