Genomic and functional characterization of histone H3 lysine 4 methylation co-localized marks
Comparative study of five Legume species based on De Novo Sequence Assembly and Annotation
In-silico molecular analysis of rabies virus across regions
FunSecKB2: a fungal protein subcellular location knowledgebase
De Novo RNA Seq Assembly and Annotation of Phaseolus vulgaris L. (SRR1283084)
Effect of Integrated Use of Soil Conditioner with Fertilizers on Growth, Chlorophyll Content and Yield of Groundnut (Arachis hypogea L.)
Classification of Prostate Cancer with the Use of Artificial Immune System and ANN
Effect of Manufactured Organic Fertilizers on Soil Chemical Properties and Yield of Tomato (Lycopersicum lycopersicon) in Alfisol, Southwestern Nigeria
Phylogeny in Few Species of Leguminosae Family Based on matK Sequence
In Silico Proteomic Functional Re-annotation of Escherichia coli K-12 using Dynamic Biological Data Fusion Strategy
Effect of Sodium Chloride on Photosynthetic Pigments and Soluble Protein Content of Green Gram Cultivars (Co6 And Co8)
Growth, Yield and Seed Nutritional Composition of Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea LINN) under Elevated Level of Soil Salinity
Long Non-coding RNAs: key players in brain and central nervous system development
Functional Comparative Study of Arabidopsis thaliana Glutamine Synthetase gene GLN1;1 and GLN1;5 in Response to Salt Stress during Germination
Association Rules for Diagnosis of Hiv-Aids
Expression Analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana Genes ARGAH1、ARGAH2 and the Response to Sodium Chloride Stress During Seed Germination
Cloning and Characterization of a Plasma Membrane H+-ATPase (PMA) Gene from a Salt-tolerant Plant Chloris virgata
Production Performance and Nutritional Composition of Perionyx excavatus (perrier, 1872) Fed Different Composite Organic Food
Expression Analysis of Puccinellia tenuifolra Gene PutSTE24 and Response to Aluminium Stresses
Inhibition of microRNA-let-7a Increases the Specific Productivity of Antibody-Producing CHO Cell Lines
GC2 Biology Dictates Gene Expressivity in Camellia sinensis
PlantSecKB: the Plant Secretome and Subcellular Proteome KnowledgeBase
Predicting Long Non-coding RNAs Based on Genomic Sequence Information
Identification of A Novel phaC1 Gene from Pseudomonas putida KT2442
Combining Ability Analysis for Seed Cotton Yield (Kapas Yield) and Its Components in Intra Hirsutum Hybrids and Forming Heterotic Boxes for Exploitation in Cotton
Relationship between SSR- Based Molecular Marker and Cotton F1 Inter Specific Hybrids Performance for Seed Cotton Yield and Fiber Properties
Identification of the Bona fide Differentially Methylated Gene Markers among Cancers
A Review of Thermo-chemical Energy Conversion Process of Non-edible Seed Cakes
Influence of Seed Fortification Treatment with Inorganic Nutrients in Jatropha Curcas (L.)
Comparison of Soil Macro Fauna Biodiversity in Broad Leaf and Needle Leaf Afforested Stands