Genomic Prediction and its Association with the Development of Dementia disease in the Elderly
Opportunities and Challenges for the Application of Biomass Energy in the Maritime Industry
The Application of Ethanol Fuel: Taking the United States as An Example
The Interplay between Bird Migration Behavior and Genetic Diversity
The Ethical Principles and Regulations of CRISPR Gene Editing Technology: The Challenge of Global Governance
The Impact of Sustainable Agricultural Management on Soil Biodiversity and Policy Suggestions
Algae Bioenergy: A New Power Source for Sustainable Development
Effects of Salt-alkaline Stress on Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics in Leaves of Chieh-qua Seedlings
Computational Molecular Biology: Interdisciplinary Technological Integration and New Advances
Analysis of ATH1 Transcription Activity and Co-IP of ATH1 Protein Interaction with OFP1
Breakthrough Technology: RIBOmap Explores Subcellular Localization of Protein Synthesis
Research and Prospect of Food Fuels Issues
Evolution and Application of Biofuels
Expression and Purification of Arabidopsis CASPL1D2 Protein
Research Progress of Plant Rab Proteins
Optimization of ISSR-PCR Reaction System in Pinellia ternata
Establishment of Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation System on Mandevilla sanderi
Identification of COR413 Gene Family in Peach and Its Expression in Low Temperature and LTC Treatment at Postharvest
Identification and Bioinformatics Analysis of TCP Family Genes in Tree Peony
A Modified Method of Total RNA Isolation for Mango Leaf Tissues
Characteristics of LDOX Gene Structure Analysis and Construction of Protein Interaction Network in Actinidia arguta
Comparative Analysis of Alternative Splicing Events in Foliar Transcriptomes of Potato Plants Inoculated with Phytophthora Infestans
Identification and Expression Characteristic Analysis of CML Gene Family of Melon
Cloning and Expression Analysis of Phytoene Desaturase (PDS) Gene from Mango (Mangifera indica L.)
Bioinformatics Analysis of YABBY Gene Family in Punica granatum L.
Research Progress of Urea Transporter DUR3 in Plants and Fungi
Characterization and Expression Profiles of Galaetinol Synthase and Raffinose Synthase in Rubber Tree
Research Progress on The Effects of Salt Stress on Photosynthesis and Lipids of Microalgae
Genome-wide Identification and Expression Analyses of PAL Genes in Different Color Radish
Construction of Rice OsSUTs Gene Knockout Lines Using CRISPR/Cas9 System